
Top Recommendations for You


Secreto Bien Guardado


A love story set in 1940s, Secreto Bien Guardado deals with the romance between a young Jewish girl named Amalia (Oriana Sabatini, niece of tennis player Gabriela) and a somewhat older German diplomat named Martin. The story begins during the early stages of World War II in neutral Argentina, while German sailors from the battleship Admiral Graf Spee await for the Argentine government to grant them permission to return to Germany — after the British forced the vessel’s captain to sink it off the Uruguayan coast.

Quick Takes

From the Watercooler:

“Don’t give up, that’s 50% of victory.” While this phrase is placed in the mouth of military and diplomatic figures in the story, it certainly applies to Amalia’s and Martin’s feelings: fight for what you want, against all odds. And those odds certainly include paternal, religious, and cultural expectations. Between your gut and your brain, sometimes you gotta listen to the former. Though again, one has to wonder if Amalia would have made the same decisions had she fully known about Nazi concentration camps. — Francisco Paterson Read More

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