Meet Our Hosts

MEET OUR HOSTS Our Diverse Hosts

Lauren Eather

A history buff, ad exec, and improv performer from Australia, Lauren now lives in New York City, where she’s hosted Watercooler parties on The Great and His Dark Materials.

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MEET OUR HOSTS Our Diverse Hosts

JR Atkinson

Brooklyn-based writer and performer JR Atkinson is excited to host watch parties focused on Gen-Z. She co-founded Midriff Magazine and is a contributor to the Watercooler.

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MEET OUR HOSTS Our Diverse Hosts

Felipe Patterson

A member of the African American Film Critics Association and The Critics Choice Association, Felipe is also the creator of the #BlackLoveConvo and a contributing writer for The Watercooler, Taji Mag, and VICE.

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MEET OUR HOSTS Our Diverse Hosts

Jenna Fuentes

An international community builder, Jenna creates interactive experiences with a mission to foster belonging, purpose, openness, and a place to feel at home.

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MEET OUR HOSTS Our Diverse Hosts

Kanene Ayo Holder

An educator and diversity trainer whose clients have included The New York Times School, Kanene is also a comedian and creator of @BlackIssuesISSUES.

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MEET OUR HOSTS Our Diverse Hosts
MEET OUR HOSTS Our Diverse Hosts

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