Industry Hot Guy Harry

Industry S1

Industry is a series fueled by greed, drugs, sex, and money, and provides all of these ingredients in Federal Reserve-sized quantities. There’s never a dull moment.

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Perfect Days oscar movie Wim Wenders

Perfect Days

A meditation on finding beauty in the ordinary and dignity in manual labor, Perfect Days serves as a lesson as well as a blueprint on how to live a fulfilling and meaningful life. It underscores the importance of finding solace in solitude and happiness from the simple act of living.

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You’re the Worst

Through the eyes of two cynics who seem doomed to be alone, You’re the Worst embraces the complexity of modern relationships and the many emotional layers they surface. It’s also an accurate and empathetic portrait of what it’s like to live with clinical depression.

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AlRawabi School for Girls

AlRawabi School for Girls is a binge-worthy teen drama that is not only well written, but features a stellar cast of newcomers. While the plot is fairly universal, the insight it offers into Jordanian culture is what makes it stand out.

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The Color Purple

A soaring, historically relevant epic that echoes the many struggles for human rights throughout the mid 20th century, The Color Purple‘s musical film is a larger than life reinvention to a revered classic that has shaped three generations. Watch it with someone who’s struggling and in need of hope.

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The Conversations Project

A revealing series that will shed some new light and spark conversations in your own life. As producer Raina Kelley sums up to the New York Times: “At its most important, it’s basically an example nowadays of how to have a civil conversation.”

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For lovers of the classic teen sex comedy, Bottoms has much to offer: well-played comedy, over-the-top antics, and underdogs to root for. But those in the market for something fresh will be even more rewarded, as the film flips the script on a well-worn genre. Deservedly so, because anyone who’s been an awkward teen girl probably related more to Jonah Hill in Superbad than they did Emma Stone. At least this writer. 

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The streaming series about the intersection between feminism and smut could endear even the most skeptical. And what it might lack in delicacy, it certainly makes up for in swagger.

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