Craving an escape this summer but just can’t get away? Our writers have found the best original series and movies that will make you feel like you’re on vacation, take you out of this world, or sweep you away to another time and place.

Asteroid City
Asteroid City is like a trip to a resort — it’s fun, colorful, outwardly buoyant and a little soulless, a potent combination that makes it both a pinnacle of Wes Anderson’s style and a slight miss as a narrative picture.

If you’re looking for a glitzy, sexy, escape, Riviera serves up three seasons of a lush, soapy mystery series dripping in yachts, conspiracies, globe trotting art world intrigue, and spy thriller plots that include a somewhat timely Russian threat.

Conversations with Friends
A captivating adaptation of Sally Rooney’s bestseller, Conversations with Friends takes you deep into in the agony and ecstasy of a secretive affair as well as an open relationship, and forces you to ask the big questions.

A Tourist’s Guide to Love
A charming, transporting escape watch for anyone looking for a feel-good romcom that invites you to add Vietnam to your travel bucket list … and to learn to take life, and love, as it comes.

The Exchange
A smart, unique workplace drama set in wealthy 80s Kuwait, The Exchange drops us into a vibrant world we haven’t seen before and looks at it through the eyes of the only two women working at the Kuwaiti stock exchange.

Vikings Valhalla S2
An emotionally intense coming-of-age story underlies Vikings Valhalla, which tackles the tumultuous High Middle Ages and power shift across Europe with all the heroics, gore, and sex of its predecessor.

Triangle of Sadness
With so many awards-caliber movies taking us into very dark places, Triangle of Sadness brings laughter and sunshine to its biting indictment of influencers, wealth and class divides. Stick around for the third act.

The Serpent Queen
If you’re looking for some historical context for all the news and fictional obsession with monarchs, The Serpent Queen brings a modern, often funny take on one of the most powerful female rulers in history, one that sheds light on our current preoccupation with all things royal.

A more psychologically complex part of the Star Wars story, Andor will help you better understand the characters…and the universe.

Love & Gelato
Love & Gelato is pretty corny but it’s the exact kind of sweetly innocent confection that will melt in your mouth. What’s more, the film offers a slightly more authentic ending than the average rom-com fare.

Old Enough!
Though the idea of sending a three-year-old to the supermarket by themselves might seem terrifying, the Japanese documentary series Old Enough! is hardly a white-knuckle experience. It’s a sweet and watchable show showcasing the kids’ natural charisma.

The Essex Serpent
Like the mythical creature of the title, The Essex Serpent slowly draws you out to sea and before you know it you’re in deep, totally immersed.