Soul(2020)give me hope, tug my heartstrings · From Dwight Brown at National Newspaper Publishers Association: Passing the love of jazz on to a younger generation, cloaked in the sweetness of an animated movie, is a genius move. |
Soulmates(2020)grip me, romance me, stretch my mind · From Allison Keene at Paste: What’s great about Soulmates is that focus on the practical. It’s a new way to explore an old subject regarding romantic relationships and how we search for partners. |
Spaceship Earth(2020)enlighten me, inspire me, stretch my mind · From David Edelstein at Vulture: I was reminded of everything I’d been missing in a culture that ridicules “crunchiness” more than amoral consumption and greed. |
Spelling the Dream(2020)enlighten me, give me hope, inspire me · From Benjamin Lee at The Guardian: It’s not just an impressive display of linguistics but also a reminder of what American success is and should be perceived as, a reminder that many, sadly, still need to be made aware of. |