Watercooler Pick

Eurovision Song Contest
- Movie
- Where to Find It: Netflix
- Rating: PG-13
- Release Date: 2020
- Runtime: 2 hours 3 minutes
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So we may not have a summer full of concerts, trips to exotic lands, or even European tourists. But we can still lose ourselves in a rousing musical comedy tribute starring Will Ferrell and Rachel McAdams.
Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga works as an often-hilarious homage to the 56-year-old international song contest that launched ABBA, Celine Dion and many others. It also doubles as a vicarious trip to the actual Eurovision, with real acts from across the continent throwing out their most outlandish performances, woven together with fictional ones, like Demi Lovato as the supremely talented threat “Katiana Lindsdottir.”
The songs are destined to be actual hits, and the two-hour story delivers a pay off, with just enough camp and scamp to be worth the whole ride.
A wild summer send-up comedy that doubles as a vicarious concert experience, Eurovision will take you away and make you laugh. It’s also that rare Ferrell film that’s managed to bring high praise from high-minded media outlets:
From Atlantic Monthly’s David Sims, it’s “Will Ferrell’s Best Comedy in Years is here.” He adds that it “succeeds because it’s both sincere and satirical.” Full review
And from London Evening Standard’s Charlotte O’Sullivan: “As a plausible work of art, it deserves nul points, but it’s still film of the week, no contest.” Full review
Popcorn and the family/tribe on the biggest screen you can find. This was meant to be a summer theater hit.
It’s PG-13, but it’s a Will Ferrell movie.
- Moods: find me fun, make me laugh
- Interests: music

Melissa Roth