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Counter-program the algos and all those killers and slashers with some inspiring new movies or series.   The Watercooler’s contributors have rounded up their picks for anyone looking for a fresh start, a fresh hero, or a fresh perspective.

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Enlighten Me
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A gripping history lesson that also sheds light on the methods, risks, and compromises required to organize and sustain a movement.

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Up My Adrenaline
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A lesson in surviving childhood trauma, channeling energy into a worthy cause, and fighting to win — even when the majority says victory is impossible.

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Conversation Worthy
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Mrs. America

Mrs. America is a good place to start exploring where our current political and cultural divisions started widening. Anyone who lived through these years can vouch that there was a lot at stake.

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Move Me
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My Octopus Teacher

A stunning, often magical and emotional documentary that inspires awe and empathy, My Octopus Teacher brings a personal narrative to a nature documentary and captures the brilliance of a familiar sea creature like nothing before it.

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