A legend among Japanese anime fans, the original Mononoke series is about a mysterious detective named Medicine Seller who investigates the motives of vengeful ghosts from 14th century Japan. Inspired by classic Japanese theater, the world is brought to psychedelic life through its highly imaginative animation, and nearly 20 years later, this feature-length film brings new life to the world involving by dropping the detective into the imperial harem of women.
Beatles ’64
Sixty years after their British Invasion began, Martin Scorsese and director David Tedeschi tell the story of The Beatles first trip to the U.S. in a documentary aimed not just at fans of the most iconic band in history, but at younger generations who may not grasp their significance. Weaving in newly restored footage originally shot by famed documentarians Albert and David Maysles, the film has been embraced by film and music critics. From Hollywood Reporter‘s David Rooney: “Tedeschi’s film is a declaration of love for the Beatles, but what distinguishes it is its curiosity about the America of that time, beyond the bubble of the four Scousers who can hardly believe they’re drinking cocktails in Miami.” (Read the review)
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