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Black Bag
A taut, stylish and steamy take on the high-stakes espionage thriller, Steven Soderbergh’s Black Bag keeps you second-guessing every character’s motives until the very end. The tension, the suspicion, the sense that the walls are closing in? It’s all here.

I’m Still Here
An inspiring historical drama about the resilience of the human spirit and the life-affirming power of forgiveness. I’m Still Here delivers a hopeful message that even in the darkest times, good can triumph over evil.

The Brutalist
Blending raw emotion, breathtaking cinematography, and a narrative that speaks to the resilience of the human spirit, The Brutalist is a top 2025 Oscar contender and a must-watch for lovers of bold, novelistic storytelling, American history, and cinematic experiences.

Universal Language
An absurdist dramedy about the clash of two worlds, Universal Language entertains as much as it motivates. Beyond the madness lies an urgent plea for unity, an appeal that resonates with people hoping for a better, more harmonious future.

Industry S1
Industry is a series fueled by greed, drugs, sex, and money, and provides all of these ingredients in Federal Reserve-sized quantities. There’s never a dull moment.

Tokyo Vice
On one level, Tokyo Vice is the story of one man’s kamikaze mission to bring down the Yakuza. But it’s also a mesmerizing noir drama that unfolds into a tense thriller — and ultimately serves as an important reminder that freedom of the press is worth fighting for.

The New Look
A lavish historical drama set in Nazi-occupied Paris during WWII, The New Look contrasts the horrors of war with the opulence of post-War French society while underscoring the moral dilemmas faced by the two cultural icons of the time: Christian Dior (Ben Mendelsohn) and Coco Chanel (Juliette Binoche).

Joy Ride
A truly joyous escape watch with uproarious scenes and must-find soundtrack, Joy Ride resonates on surprisingly deeper levels, reminding us of the transformative power of friendship, laughter, and adventure.

Perfect Days
A meditation on finding beauty in the ordinary and dignity in manual labor, Perfect Days serves as a lesson as well as a blueprint on how to live a fulfilling and meaningful life. It underscores the importance of finding solace in solitude and happiness from the simple act of living.

A vicarious vacation to Italy’s Adriatic coast that lulls you in with its summer romances, lapping waves, rich-hued cinematography, and Italian classics soundtrack.

We are Lady Parts
This is a funny, endearing, fresh show that demonstrates what proper representation looks like.

In the wake of his death in a Russian prison, Navalny is a timely, tense real life espionage thriller with a call to action.

AlRawabi School for Girls
A fun, well-written high school drama, AlRawabi School for Girls brings a fresh perspective to some of the universal challenges facing teenagers today while opening a window into the unique challenges facing Jordanian girls.

Doctor Slump
Things will likely work out the way it’s supposed to on Doctor Slump, but for a show of this ilk, it’s the journey that’s important and not the destination. For that, it’s a cathartic viewing experience for anyone in a slump – with a few laughs to lighten the mood.

The Hunt for Veerappan
A nuanced and riveting portrait of one of the most polarizing criminals in India, The Hunt for Veerappan is not afraid to delve into controversial points of view and share contrarian voices. More than anything, it encourages reflection and critical thinking — the ultimate goal of filmmaking.
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